Saturday, February 12, 2011

Convergence of Internet, mobile, and social media

Anywhere, anytime access to information, relationships and networks! How is it possible? The most probable answer would be “Social Media”. But as per my thinking, the ideal answer should be “the convergence of Internet, mobile, and social media” can be coined as “Digital signage”.
In the other way around, it’s what you’re going to do with it at all! Every one of us loves real time messaging, information and engagement. When we did not have mobile, internet, social media, we used to get stuck in the screen of Television. But in reality, a TV is nothing more than a screen. And our culture is rapidly reaching a saturation point with screens. Nowadays we find ourselves surprised when we are in a venue without a screen; because now we love to make content on a screen, for a screen.
Thus convergence of mobile, internet and social media could happen and now we are able to share information across almost universal platform like Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, or YouTube etc.
Internet presents a companion to digital signage in the potential for engagement while networks facilitate this easy interactivity and mobile technologically provides the screen. For example, how do you follow You don’t follow directly. You follow, or That’s how Starbucks promotes them and engages with consumers.
How are you following? Through the internet on your mobile device. When you see a screen offering to post your SMS, where is the SMS coming from? Your mobile device. Where are you seeing Starbucks? On social media.
Coupled with the interactive nature of mobile devices, digital signage will be a complementary channel of engagement for both the network and the audience.
Agree? Disagree? Chime in. I’d love to hear what you think.


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